Despite its small size, West Hollywood is home to over 35,000 people, and growing. WeHo is mostly white, with 11% of residents identifying as Hispanic, and 5% as Asian. However, about 32% of the WeHo population speak a language other than English. About 45% of WeHo residents have received their Bachelor’s Degree, and 17% have also attained a Graduate-level Degree.
The median age in West Hollywood is 39; the two largest age brackets are 30-39 and 20-29, in that order. Most of the folks in West Hollywood, 78% to be precise, rent their homes or apartments. That leaves just 22% of homes as “owner-occupied,” with the rest as unoccupied. This info, together with resident commentary, tells us that West Hollywood is mostly occupied by young singles, and professionals at the start of their careers.
Living in West Hollywood gives you a ton of access to job opportunities. WeHo itself employs roughly 25,000 people, mostly in Science and Tech, Information Services and Healthcare. The most common jobs held by WeHo residents are in Arts and Recreation, Management, and Business Operations.
Jobs here are growing, too! Between 2015 and 2016, employment in West Hollywood grew 2.85%. Plus, if you don’t want to work in the neighborhood where you live, you have access to all of LA, Santa Monica and Glendale within commuting distance.
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10250 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90077

10250 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90077